
NHS Physical activity Guidelines

Physical activities promote healthy growth and development. It helps build a healthier body composition, stronger bones and muscles. It also improves the child’s cardiovascular fitness. Physical activities also helps in the development of better motor skills and in concentration and thinking skills. Al ack of physical activity in early childhood could bring many health problems. A few of such problems could be excess body fat, weight gain, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases and bone health problems. The health benefits of physical activities outweigh the negatives. Children who do take part in physical activities tend to have fewer chronic health problems and are less prone to getting sick. They have a significantly reduced risk for various diseases which also includes heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, depression and mental illness.


UK Chief Medical Officer Guidelines

Follow Chief Medical Officer Guidelines To Suport The Wellbeing Of Your Child.

180 Minutes Per Day Is An Optimal Level Of Activity To Promote All-Around Wellness In Your Child’s Early Years Development


British Heart Foundation Guidebook

An excellent short handbook on early years exercise principles and the benefits of child activity for under 5’s.